Jan Weiser, Head of Corporate Communications & Sales Support at Kombiverkehr, explains the benefits of myKOMBIVERKEHR

Mr. Weiser, the new portal “myKOMBIVERKEHR” was recently launched. What can your customers expect?

With the new myKOMBIVERKEHR portal, we have combined all the application and information areas that are relevant for our customers and were previously provided on our website on one digital platform. The portal is our new flagship, perfectly tailored to the needs of our customers – from schedule information to booking and individual transport orders to tracking information. In addition, the dispatcher teams receive extensive general information, for example on the handling of dangerous goods in intermodal transport. With the new portal, we have created a working environment that facilitates access to combined transport on the one hand and everyday work on the other.

Überblicksseite Gefahrgut & Abfall
Die Fahrplanauskunft

What changes in general and how do forwarders keep track of their shipments?

myKOMBIVERKEHR makes processes simpler. It has various application levels for all tasks and interactions in transport processing. Many applications can be customized and are therefore user-friendly. High usability was very important to us from the very beginning. We will continue to follow this path consistently in further developments.

The heart of the new portal is certainly the central order overview for more transparency for all transport orders. One of the most important innovations are the direct displays. Transport orders are prominently displayed to users in the event of irregularities. The same applies to incomplete bookings. At any time, users can also use tracking to see where their loading unit is currently located and when it is expected to be picked up at the destination terminal.

Die Auftragsübersicht - Estimated Time of Pick-up
Die Auftragsübersicht - Umbuchung

The Estimated Time of Pick-up is one of the greatest added values. The train running data, among others, is made available in real time and in some cases enriched by our experienced transport monitoring staff in a quality-assured manner as soon as detailed information is available on the further train journey or the slot assignment at the destination terminal. Information on rebooked shipments is also included. Our customers thus benefit from the best possible data on the transport process and are always up to date.

The carriers’ transport data is a valuable asset. How do you ensure protected access?

Our supervisor process is used for this purpose. Supervisors are employees who come from the ranks of the forwarding companies themselves. They manage the colleagues in their company who work with myKOMBIVERKEHR. They have the option of assigning access rights for each online service on a person-specific basis in real time. Super easy and without us as Kombiverkehr having to intervene in this process. This saves an enormous amount of time and makes the organization even more attractive. If a user’s affiliation with the company is not confirmed by the supervisor, portal content remains unviewable.

The digital logistics world does not stand still, but is constantly changing. How do you intend to continue optimizing and developing meinKOMBIVERKEHR in the future?

Since myKOMBIVERKEHR has a modular structure, it will be constantly expanded. Our developers are working on solutions that will make the portal even more convenient in the future. After all, our aim is to establish optimized communication. In the future, users will be able to enter information requests about their shipments in the portal itself. Among other things, we use this information to control e-mail communication, the content of which we would like to integrate more and more into the portal as personal messages in the long term.

But that’s not all: In our Easy Booking project, booking data is to be entered in a simplified manner and we are planning a type of quick booking, in which the allocation of train capacity will initially be based on only a particularly small amount of data. This will then be a completely streamlined booking process that will make the dispatchers’ work even easier. We are also planning dashboard views on traffic development. Up-to-date information about road works on the railways will increase the information content already in the next few weeks. Our credo here: Everything is done digitally!

Jan Weiser

In the future, we will make the portal even more convenient. Because our aspiration is to establish optimal communication with our customers.

Jan Weiser, Head of Corporate Communications & Sales Support at Kombiverkehr

Interested? Then please contact us, Jan Weiser is looking forward to your call: +49 69 / 7 95 05-142. You are already a customer? Then register directly at mein.kombiverkehr.de.

In another exciting digitization project called KIBA, we are working with our project partners on the question of how to achieve optimal network utilization through intelligent loading. You can read more about this here.

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