Logistikverband BGL provides electronic cargo securing handbook for Germany’s largest CT operator Kombiverkehr

Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt, BGL board spokesperson

The umbrella organisation of the German road freight transport industry, Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V., and Germany’s largest operator in the road-rail Combined Transport sector, Kombiverkehr GmbH & Co. KG, have worked together successfully for many years. BGL board spokesperson Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt: “We are particularly delighted with our latest joint project. At the instigation of Kombiverkehr, we first translated the ‘Praxishandbuch Laden und Sichern – Band 2: Ladungssicherung im Kombinierten Ladungsverkehr Straße/Schiene’ into English (Loading and Securing – Volume 2: Securing Loads in Combined Freight Transport Road/Rail), then we reworked both the English and German versions into a digital format suitable for mobile devices before making it available to Kombiverkehr.”

Armin Riedl, managing director of Kombiverkehr

Kombiverkehr managing director Armin Riedl: “Thanks to the new electronic practical handbook, the relevant texts and diagrams can now be called up easily on mobile devices any time, any place, whether at loading points on customer premises or at the transhipment stations. This is an enormous step forward in terms of transport safety, the importance of which cannot be overstated. We are thinking here first and foremost of our new customers who still have little or no experience of rail transport and its higher safety requirements. But all existing customers will also be able to benefit in the future by accessing the digital handbook on the Kombiverkehr website completely free of charge.”

About the handbook “Loading and Securing” – Volume 2: Securing Loads in Combined Freight Transport Road/Rail):

The multi-volume practical handbook “Laden und Sichern” (Loading and Securing) is published by BGL and Berufsgenossenschaft Verkehrswirtschaft Post-Logistik Telekommunikation (BG Verkehr), Hamburg. Volume 2 deals with securing large loading units in road-rail Combined Transport (CT) in text and pictures. The main differences in securing loads for CT are based on how acceleration coefficients vary between CT and road-only transport.

Click here to read an extract in PDF format.

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